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New Year...

It's late afternoon. Shadows are cast across my lap on the porch.

I'm inhaling chilly, fresh air and releasing a deep sigh as the school day has ended.

I've signed off from my work email. It's almost time to start dinner.

It's a new year, but it doesn't seem much improved.

No switch flipped at midnight on January 1 making everything better.

Days are long and hard.

When I speak with others, we join together in a chorus of "I am tired."

So what do we do?

Do we become consumed by our thoughts?

Return to negativity over and over again?

Do we dwell in despair?

Or do we find ourselves resilient?

Resilient: one who can recover from difficult situations.


We must pick ourselves up once again and start anew.

Hour by hour.

How do we grow resiliency?

We've come so far.

We must keep going.

I return to what grounds me.

I put down my phone.

I make a cup of tea.

I pick up a new journal.

I thread my needle once again.

I return to what grounds me.

What grounds you?

How are you building resiliency?

It's a new year. Let's keep going.

As always, thank you for being on this journey with me.

May God's grace be with you today.

My grounding tools:



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