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I AM: The Resurrection and The Life

Jesus said to Martha, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ (John 11:25-26 NRSV)

Since January, I had been planning a community-wide Easter egg hunt for early April. The church where I serve was to host the event for our neighborhood in a local park. We had completed the printed advertising, contacted the online newspapers, and delivered flyers to area preschools. The eggs were purchased, gift bags were filled, and the outdoor canopy and water coolers were ready to be lifted into the car. One of the most anticipated parts of the day was the petting zoo. We had hired a local farm to bring baby rabbits and chickens as well goats, sheep, and even pot-bellied pigs. Our expectation was high, and we couldn’t wait to share our celebration with the community.

And then, there was COVID-19. And there was no more Easter egg hunt. The park permits were refunded and the outdoor banner was rolled up and is now gathering dust in my office.

On Easter Sunday, we celebrated not by dressing in our Easter finest, gathering in large numbers to sing “Alleluia,” and eating brunch at the neighborhood restaurant. Oh, we celebrated but it was in our homes over computer screens in our pajamas with bowls of cereal in our lap. Don’t get me wrong: Easter came, and we rejoiced. We celebrated Jesus’ resurrection and the gift of new life. But it was unlike any other Easter we had ever experienced before.

Life since the onset of COVID-19 is very different. One of the main differences is the 107,000 lives that have been lost in the United States to the virus. Americans are now surrounded by death. Even for those of us who don’t know anyone who has died from this coronavirus, we still have the frightful feeling of death’s threat. At any time and in any place, we could come in contact with the virus and die. Those are scary words to write. I am sure they are scary for you to read.

Jesus shared his words of life with Martha after her brother Lazarus’ death. Jesus told Martha that those who believe in him will have life eternal. Lazarus was dead, but through a miracle, Jesus then raised Lazarus to life. Jesus said and demonstrated that even though we die, we live.

Life in the face of death is startling given the hundreds of thousands of worldwide deaths due to COVID-19. Jesus’ words of life are powerful in light of the black men and women, boys and girls, who are dying from racial injustice. They are reassuring words for a clergy colleague whose 11-year-old grandson died last month in a bicycle accident. Words of resurrection are comforting in the face of news in my congregation of the deaths of a beloved father and a cherished daughter, both to cancer.

There is loss and death around us and yet Jesus promises life. These are strange and frightening days and yet there is certainty of resurrection. Death is not the end. There is evil and accidents and illness - and yes, cancelled events - but grief is not the final word. Easter was different. These days are different. But Jesus is the same. Resurrection is still promised. Death is not the end. Do you believe?

Jesus asks us to respond to the same question he asked Martha: “Do you believe this?” Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? Jesus brought new life in this world and promises it in the world to come:

Do you believe not just with your head but also with our heart that Jesus can change how you orient your life now, how you love other people here, and how you serve God today?

Even more so, do you believe that Jesus offers that you will live forever?

Jesus is still changing lives and raising the dead. Jesus has changed who I am, what I do, how I act, how I think, and how I live both today and tomorrow. And the same can be true for you. In the midst of each of our lives, in our work, in our homes, in our community, and throughout the world, Christ offers new life now and resurrected life to come.

Imagine Jesus standing in front of you.

Picture Jesus standing outside Lazarus’ tomb with Lazarus wrapped in funeral clothes.

Do you see him?

Then, listen.

Jesus is asking you: “Do you believe that I am the resurrection and the life?”

Let him ask the question to you over and over again.

How do you answer?

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