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I AM: The Gate

“I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9 The Message)

When I think of gates these days, the first one to appear in my mind is the eight-foot tall, wrought iron one keeping me out of the community pool. Our apartment complex has an expansive pool, but without the staff to monitor usage and enact extensive cleaning practices, the County says it’s not safe to swim. Some days I think - especially on the 90 degree days - if we could only swim, life would be easier. The gate stands between me and my children and fun and relaxation.

But the image of a gate doesn’t have to be negative or foreboding. Gates don’t have to be something we want to jump or sneak over. Yes, short plastic gates can keep dogs and kids out of the kitchen and from tumbling down stairs, but the image can also offer you and me safety and security. When we picture the idyllic setting of a vast green pasture with a picturesque wooden fence, we can imagine ourselves loved and protected.

We are God’s sheep. Jesus the Gate offers us protection. We are protected from evil and those who mean us harm. We are offered peace as we sleep. We are offered plentiful food. We are cared for and are not kept out, but instead invited freely to follow Jesus.

The Gospel of John also invites us to imagine Jesus coming through a gate to greet us. Jesus is now both the Gate and the Shepherd.

“The shepherd walks right up to the gate. The gatekeeper opens the gate to him and the sheep recognize his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he gets them all out, he leads them and they follow because they are familiar with his voice. (verses 3 and 4)

There is a trust and recognition when we sheep encounter the Shepherd Jesus. We recognize Jesus’ voice. Jesus calls us by name. We know who to trust, and when we hear Jesus calling, we follow. Jesus goes before us. We don’t escape or run haphazardly on our own. We are guided and lead.

How do we hear God’s voice? How do we know it is God speaking? For me, when I am troubled or seeking to make a decision, I sit in silence. I pause, take deep breaths, and listen for the answer. It takes practice. But when you decide on your next step and immediately feel a deep sense of calm, then you can trust you have heard from God. Your stress will ease, you will feel more relaxed, and you will have certainty about your decision. Furthermore, when your decision will help and heal yourself and others, you can trust you have heard Jesus’ voice.

Jesus speaks to us to offer not only protection and peace, but also life:

“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (verse 10)

Another version of this verse reads:

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (NRSV)

When we enter in through Christ the Gate and follow Jesus the Shepherd, we have life. We have life here and now. And better yet, we have life in abundance. Abundant: plentiful, copious, overflowing, bountiful, abounding, lavish. We have life in which our “cup brims with blessing!” (Psalm 23 MSG)

May we accept God’s invitation today to enter in to God’s family through Jesus the Gate.

May we experience safety and protection in our life.

May we accept God’s invitation to follow Jesus the Shepherd.

May we listen to God’s voice and follow faithfully.

May we receive life, abundant life, now and forever more.


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