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Again & Again: We Are Shown The Way

I recently discovered the word and symbol Sankofa. Sankofa is a word in the Akan language in Ghana, a country in West Africa. "San" means "go back." "Ko" means "go," and "fa" means "look and take." The word is symbolized by an image of a bird reaching back and taking an egg from its back. Go back and take what you need for going forward. Essentially, Sankofa teaches us that we have a rich tradition from which to draw from to support and encourage us in our present lives.

The symbol is highlighted in our Lenten worship series, but as last month was Black History Month, I saw the symbol several times in my social media feed. Below is an art piece of the symbol as well as where I saw the word and symbol on a post on Instagram by the San Francisco aquarium.

Throughout the gospels, people question who Jesus is and where his authority comes from. Jesus reminds them that they have the answer already. Jesus as the Word was present at the creation of the world. The Old Testament prophets foretold of his coming. John the Baptist testified to Jesus' salvation. If the people recall what they already know, they will have the answer of who Jesus is: the Messiah.

It is not wrong for us to go back and take what we need for moving forward. Sometimes we forget what we already know. Often we need others to journey with us and remind us of what we have previously declared: Jesus is Christ!

How has God been at work in your life in the past?

How has Jesus been faithful to you and your loved ones?

What miracle has occurred in your life that can you share with others?

Again and again, we are shown the way.

May we fearlessly and with gratitude receive what we've already been given.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

I shared the principle of Sankofa in my children's message this past Sunday. I invite you to share it with the young people in your life: Children's Church: They Remembered

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