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A Prayer for the Election & Other Updates

Four years ago, I led a Communion Service on Election Day. The community gathered in our sanctuary to say prayers, hear Scripture, drink juice and eat bread, and remember that we are called above all else to love God and love our neighbors. I will not be leading a similar service this year. My congregation is not worshiping in person together. I miss the practice of being in a sanctuary and praying communally.

I have been busy and haven't had much time to write for this blog. When I have a free moment, I seem to lie on the couch and watch a few minutes of television. I miss reflecting and writing and hope to return to it soon. In the meantime, my kids are full-time distance learning (and will continue at least through 2020), and I'm juggling helping them with their daily assignments while also writing sermons, leading two Confirmation classes, and attending numerous Zoom meetings. We're also eagerly awaiting Halloween this Saturday though to be honest I have no idea what that even looks like, except to say we have costumes!

In the meantime, I want to share a prayer with you I included in the service four years ago. It is a good one for this week as well. May we pray it together even though we are separated. And may it be true for us all.

"Prayer for the Election" (By Joanna Harader, author of the Spacious Faith blog)

God of justice and compassion,

God of Republicans and Democrats and Independents,

God of the poor and the 1% and the middle class,

in the heat of this election year

we pray for our nation, our churches, and ourselves.

In the midst of meanness and deception,

may our words be kind and true.

In the midst of loud speeches and harsh accusations,

may we listen well and try to understand.

May those who follow Jesus do the work of Jesus–

breaking down the dividing walls

speaking the truth in love

meeting together in the face of disagreements.

Holy, loving God, have mercy on your children.


And on a lighter note, I came upon this video that has been shared thousands of times on social media. (Warning: There is one "bad" word at the beginning.) It made me smile and laugh and I hope it does the same for you! Because, as the song says, We're making it up as we go...keep going on!

A couple, the Bengsons, with a three-year-old son, are living with Shaun's parents during COVID. Enough said! :) Enjoy!

I pray I see you here next week as we continue to walk in faith and hope together.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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