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"I AM"

I currently live in the South Bay area of Northern California. The weather is warm and the skies are consistently blue. The sun is bright and a step outside always wakes my body and soul. I am surrounded by awe-inspiring Redwood forests and breath-taking rocky beaches. And…

I am stuck at home.

I am in week eight of "staying in place" during the COVID-19 outbreak in our country. Schools buildings are closed, thousands are out of work, and the days blend into one another. The pace is different from pre-virus. Before quarantine, I was working in the church office, shuttling my kids to school and activities, and juggling cooking and cleaning. While work and school and household chores continue, the pace is slower. Although I find myself bored some days, I also am working hard to embrace the slower way of life. And when I grow anxious and worry about the shape of my life, I stop to remember that there is more to life than COVID-19.

I am a pastor. I am a daughter. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a friend. I am sometimes overwhelmed. And sometimes I am forced to slow down to remember that in light of all that I am, there is someone much bigger than me.

In his account of the life of Jesus, the Apostle John records several conversations in which Jesus spoke with his disciples. In the midst of controversies with religious leaders, conflicts with political adversaries, and an uncertain future, the disciples had trouble comprehending Jesus.

Jesus gave his friends illustrations to help them understand. Jesus told them: “I am the bread of life,” “I am the vine,” “I am the light of the world,” and “I am the Alpha and Omega.”

In the midst of all our challenges, Jesus is so much more than who I am or who you are. When I worry only about me, when I think only about the current struggles, then I lose focus on a Messiah who is bigger than you and me and loves us all.

Who I am is important. Like all people, I was created in the image of God.

Even more important is who Jesus is.

When we focus on Jesus, then the rest of our lives fall into place. We will not lose balance or become overwhelmed. Instead, Jesus will nourish, enlighten, refresh, and guide us.

If you, like me, are sometimes overwhelmed by the many roles you fill, or are trying to find your place in our changing environment, then these reflections are for you.

In the midst of these strange days, Jesus invites us to relax, yield, and follow him. He is the bread, the vine, the light we need. From the beginning of time to the end. When we rely on Jesus, we are complete.

Rock Stack in Santa Cruz

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